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North Western Strut
of the
Light Aircraft Association

Welcome to the Home Page of North Western Strut of the LAC


Next Meetings


Next Meeting

17th October 2024

The Clubhouse, Boysnope at 13:00hrs


Christmas Lunch - £14.95 – special subsidised price for Members Only

Non-Members £29.95

Friday 20th December 2024 at

“The Club House” (Boysnope) Liverpool Road

Eccles, M30 7RF


Please book now – send your menu choice to

John Coxon will collect your payment in cash on the day



















See Strut News for Booking Details









Don't forget to read The Strut News


New Exciting 2022 Events

Check 'What's On new Program Soon'


(All LAC Members are welcome as well)


Meeting normally at The Veteran's Lounge, Barton






Blackpool Video
Apparently some pilots have been confusing Warton with Blackpool in recent months so they have come up with a video to help


What's New

We are pleased to announce that the subscription for this year will remain at the rate of £20.00 per person. 

Please pay the Membership Secretary, Kevin Nestor, at the next Strut night or send your payment

A big thanks to Alistair spending for all the time he has spent running this web site.

 I've been asked to take over so I would welcome any suggestions - Peter



Building an Air Villa - Spring & Summer 2015 Update
I've been getting on with the railings and bathroom, I've retired now so hopefully I can get on a bit faster.


The Light Aircraft Association is a non-profit making organisation open to anyone interested in aviation. The aims of the Association are to get the would be aviator into the air as cheaply as possible and to promote the design and construction of Ultra-light and Microlight aircraft.

The LAA works in close harmony with the Civil Aviation Authority providing unparalleled service to the operators of Special Category Certificates of Airworthiness aircraft. The LAA has Parliamentary approval to recommend or restrict the issue of such certificates, a privilege and responsibility of which it is justifiably proud.

The North Western Strut is a regional branch of the Light Aircraft Association and provides social evenings where the talk is of flying, building and restoring. Guest speakers appear, films are shown, ‘aeronautical bits and pieces’ exchanged, plans and technicalities are discussed
. In addition a newsletter of special interest to LAA members in the Northwest is published every month.

The Strut is organised as a self supporting club within the LAA organisation and elects its own officers at its AGM each February. A small subscription is charged to cover the cost of the newsletter, its postage, and other costs - this is in addition to the cost of membership to the LAA

If you are thinking of building, (or buying), flying and maintaining a simple small aircraft yourself under the Special Category of C. of A. does it not make sense to make contact with those of like mind?. You could join with others to run and fly an ultra-light plane as a group. Again the Strut is there to help. There’s a wealth of knowledge and experience in our ranks which is yours for the asking. Come and join us, you will be more than welcome.

The North Western Strut does not give flying instruction for student pilots, but can supply information about which schools and flying clubs within its general area provide this facility.

Further details of the North Western Strut of the Light Aircraft Association may be had from the Strut contact as listed below.

Contact: Cliff Mort (The Strut Coordinator, email
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Email Webmaster


Page updated on 23/1/2016